The Godfather Sour and its Philippine Version “Ang Ninong”

Categories: Gastronomy;

What a treat! Someone gave a gift of some exquisite Amaretto from Italy !

How to Make Godfather Sour Cocktail and Philippine Version Ninong-0703


Amaretto is a liqueur from Italy, that is made from a base of the pits of apricots and almonds. It is very aromatic, has a strong, sweet taste of almonds and burnt sugar with a slight palatable bitterness. The most popular brand of this is the Disaronno Originale.

Most people know this as the base drink for Amaretto Sour. But another drink that will surely get some fans is the Godfather. Godfather is just a mixture of two parts whiskey and one part amaretto over ice. What we will be making here, though, is a Godfather Sour: a modification that adds some citrus notes.

In the book 501 Must Drink cocktails, it lists to use lemon juice. But since Filipino taste buds love something sweeter, this will now be replaced with orange juice.

Godfather Sour:

  • One Shot Amaretto
  • 2 Shots Jack Daniels Whiskey (En Route is addicted to Jack Daniels. We even made a sauce from it for the baby back ribs recipe)
  • 4 Shots Orange Juice (Preferably Tropicana. It makes it sweet enough)
  • One lemon Wedge (1/4 of a lemon)
  • Ice


Combine all the ingredients into a shaker. If there’s no shaker, just mix it together in a glass. Squeeze the lemon and fill glass with ice. Serve.

This will be a hit on your more sophisticated night caps that are slowly replacing those frat party drink-a-thons.

How to Make Godfather Sour Cocktail and Philippine Version Ninong-0706


You will notice, one glass seems to be of darker color. This is because after some thought, it’s not all the time that everyone can get some Jack Daniels and imported amaretto. And so, with liver health already hanging in the balance, some experiments using locally sourced substitutes was “perfected”.

And since these are locally available (and cheap!) ingredients, it is rightful that the Philippine version now be called Ang Ninong:

Hope no one calls this some racist drink just because it’s darker, or that we are called plagarists since we translated it into Filipino…

Ang Ninong (name patent pending):

  • 2 shots Tanduay Rum (Preferrably Tanduay Supreme if available)
  • 1 shot locally produced amaretto (Should be available for PHP 80.00. To know how it looks, check out the pics from our recipe of Amaretto Sour)
  • 4 shots Tropicana orange juice (No excuse. This one is locally made now)
  • 1 teaspoon lemonade powder (Magnolia makes great lemonade powder)


Just mix everything and serve with glass full of ice.

This one is a creation we are proud of, as compared to some mediocre attempts like that Melon Rum Flavored Mojito, or that strawberry flavored beer (although some have given thanks into making their San Mig Light taste better with such a simple addition).

Give it a try and let us know if we have one way or another, enriched your drinking experience.


The name “Ninong” was made up just because it does sound appropriate given how local this drink is. If someone already owns the name for that drink, please let us know. If not, please do not copy it and call it your own. No one wants another stolen lechon kawali pictures episode. We are here to make friends.

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  1. Why don’t you open your own bar? 🙂

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